Pest Control Methods
What is a Pesticide? What is a Pest? What are Pest Control Company Methods?
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has defined pests and pesticides as any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests. Under United States law, a pesticide is also any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant. (
What is a pest?
Pests are living organisms that occur where they are not wanted or that cause damage to crops or humans or other animals. Examples include:
- insects
- mice, rats, rodents and other animals
- unwanted plants (weeds)
- fungi
- microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses
- prions
As you can see from the above, there are many types of pests that licensed pest control companies may be hired to remove, control or exterminate. Examples of categories that require separate licenses in the State of Arizona are Ornamental and Turf, Wood Destroying Insects, Fumigation, Aquatic and Industrial and Institutional, just to name a few. Most pest control companies generalize and hold all these licenses in order to do business and compete in as many categories as possible; pest control companies are generalists, not specialists.
Typically, a pest control applicator will identify the target insect, pick the appropriate toxin, make sure the target insect is on the product label for that toxin and then spray the toxin according to the instructions on the EPA certified product label. If you have a bee or wasp or hornet problem, this approach will seldom if ever solve your problem or prevent future infestations from occurring. These pest control generalists are often not even aware of or won't perform honeycomb removals to prevent the damage that honeycomb melt down will do to your home or commercial building if left unattended and not removed properly, they do not attempt to remove the bee, wasp or hornet pheromones that will lead to future infestations, and often use pesticides that are far too strong for the required extermination.

Also, be advised that there are licensed pest control companies that advertise under a pseudonym name as a bee removal company that may have a little more bee removal and honeycomb removal experience, but are not professional beekeepers that understand bee or wasp or hornet control and behaviors. A proper bee removal, wasp removal, hornet removal and honeycomb removal require a great deal of knowledge, training and experience in beekeeping methods in order to prevent damage, preserve the property value of your home and prevent future infestations.
Lastly, there are many "bee removal" companies that promise low cost bee removals that are not licensed by the State of Arizona to handle pesticides. You may be surprised to know that even the use of soap and water, if used to kill bees, wasps and hornets is regulated and requires licensing by the Arizona Department of Agriculture, Office of Pest Management (OPM). These companies or individuals claim not to use pesticides and that they are therefore exempt from licensing. Beware, this is fraud and a scam, and it is also considered a felony by the State of Arizona to practice any form of removal or extermination for any pest without a State of Arizona license held in good standing.